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Custom Recipe

PSO2 NGS Character Creation - Custom #21

This Character Recipe can be used in PSO2 New Genesis or PSO2 Classic game, but the slider instructions use the interface / UI from New Genesis game, new update ingame salon "body customization values" has been added, here is the recipe info for Custom Recipes #21. Good luck, happy creation and hope it can help you :)

The character made on this article and recipe maybe not 100% exactly like the NPC or the original character, some types of parts may be different versions, according to what I can present, so you can adjust it with a suitable part. but as much as possible, even though it's not too perfect. Special thank for the character creation reference from untitled_nec@再現勢 @PSO2_nec  




Part Name

Base BodyBody Type T2  / Height 177
Face Variantハツラツフェイス
Eye Patternsg イラスティカアイ/C
Eyebrowsac スリムまゆ/E
Eyelashesac フタエノゴーシャまつげ
Makeup Pattern 1ac フンワリメイク/B
Makeup Pattern 2ac ノワーレティアーズ
Hairstyleac  コルトゥ・ヘッド
Body Paint 1ac ヴァルキスタイツ (priority 2)
Body Paint 2sg N-カレテラソックス/B (priority 1)
Layersac ダズールコード[In] (priority 3)
ac カナギユエト/B[Se]
Accessoryac 1. フリルニューパッド
ac 2. N-タウリアキャップ
ac 3. N-タウリアキャップ
sg 4. N-ウェディングコサージュ
limit 5. カザリムスビタッセル
fun  6. リボンフリルつけ襟 赤



Part Name

Base BodyBody Type T2  / Height 177
Face VariantLively Face
Iris Patternsg Illustratica Eyes/C
Eyebrowsac Slim Eyebrows/E
Eyelashesac Double Dream Eyelashes
Makeup Pattern 1ac Soft Makeup/B
Makeup Pattern 2ac Noire Tear
Hairstyleac  Cortu Head
EarsHuman Ears
TeethCommon Teeth
Body Paint 1ac Valkys Tights (priority 2)
Body Paint 2sg N-Carretera Socks/B (priority 1)
Outfit -
Layersac Dazzle Code [In] (priority 3)
ac Divine Yuet/B [Se]
Accessory ac 1. Frilly Ballooned Bosom
ac 2. N-Taulia Cap
ac 3. N-Taulia Cap
sg 4. N-Wedding Corsage
limit 5. Decorative Knot Tassel
fun  6. Ribbon Frill Collar Red

Some items are obtained from scratch or from special events, make sure you take a look at the following info :

limit : Item obtained from Limited Scratch / Special Event / Secret Code / etc.
pass : Item obtained from Mission Pass.
BONUS : Item obtained from Bonus Scracth AC / SG / etc.
fun : Item obtained from FUN Scratch in PSO2 Classic.
ac : Item obtained from AC Scratch.
sg : Item obtained from SG Scratch.
 : Items obtained in PSO2 Classic game, some items may have been distributed to PSO2 NGS. but some items may not exist. 



R / G / B

Skin246  / 201 194
Skin Undertone223  / 25 18
Hair 165  / 45 90
Hair 2None
Eye Right170  / 111 220
Eye LeftSync
Eyelashes38  / 12 / 56
Eyebrows94  / 94 94
[Se] Color 1194  / 150 237
[Se] Color 257  / 10 93
[In] Color 159  / 29 77
[In] Color 2223  / 174 166
[Part] Main Color209  / 157 106
[Part] Sub Color 1125  / 65 188
[Part] Sub Color 2132  / 54 54

Click the Image to Enlarge

Click the Image to Enlarge

What is Custom Facial Expression? See on my youtube for explanation :
PSO2 New Genesis - Facial Expressions - YouTube [Click Here]

Click the Image to Enlarge

Click the Image to Enlarge

Click the Image to Enlarge

Character Creation

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