PSO2 - Guardian Soul Affix, 5 SGA / SSA in 8s Weapon with 120 Atk
This post is about affix augment on weapon with 8 slots (here i use cras / klauz weapon) The 8 slots here contain 5 S-class special abilities and 3 abilities, consisting of guardian soul, exceed energy and phrase decay to reach 120 atk.
Should be noted that this affix is an advanced affix which will be a little more difficult than the previous simple affix,
Keep in mind that I am here to use rifle weapons for phantoms, so I chose the phrase decay, for those of you who want to use other weapons and class, please adjust it yourself according to your needs. Also take advantage of the drop from the "cradle of darkness" which drops so many catalyst affix.
Attention!i made this affix during the boost week + 20% events. So if you do it outside of that, there is a chance that the success rate will drop (not all get 100%).
Total weapon required :
Main Unit (in here i use klauz weapon) (8s) *make sure to add 5 SSA/SGA in here.
4s Ability Protector (to protect your affix fodder)*need some, adjust to the success affix that you get.
Exceed Receptor Capsule (to affix the exceed abilities stats)*thus maybe can get in SG scracth item.
100 Ability Transfer Passes(to transfer 3 main affix into main weapon cras / klauz)
And this is the recipes :
Step : Make Fodder 1 (Absolute Glare) (3s or above)
To make an absolute glare, you need 4 glare catalysts and 1 photoner glare, I think all of these can be dropped in urgent quests such as the cradle of darkness.
Click the Image to Enlarge
Step : Make Fodder 2 (Mana Reverie) (3s or above)
To make a mana reverie, you need 4 reverie catalysts and 1 omega memoria, just like before, this augment can also be dropped in the urgent quest or trigger "cradle of darkness".
Click the Image to Enlarge
Step : Make Fodder 3 (Ether / Aether Factor) (3s or above)
To make the ether factor, you need 4 factor catalysts and 1 ether soul.
Click the Image to Enlarge
Step : Make Fodder 4 (Astral Soul) (3s or above)
To create astral soul, you need 4 soul catalysts and 1 darkness soul or soul of darkness.
Click the Image to Enlarge
Step : Prepare Fodder 5 (Exceed Energy) (3s or above)
This affix can get from quest drop, or maybe you can buy in shop.
Step : Make Fodder 6 (Basilisk +35 with Exceed Receptor) (3s or above)
Put the exceed receptor capsule into the basilisk weapon that have done enhanced to +35
Click the Image to Enlarge
Step : Final 3 Main Affix (Guardian Soul, Exceed Energy, Phrase Decay)
After all the ingredients are complete, now is the time for you to combine them all to get the 3 main affixes, there is guardian soul, exceed energy and phrase decay. Be careful, don't forget to use the 4 slot protector item so that the ingredients you made don't disappear when this affix fails.
Click the Image to Enlarge
Step : Final Transfer 3 Main Affix into Main Cras / Klauz Weapon (8s)
Prepare the cras or klauz weapon 8 slot that have been filled with 5 SGA/SSA, then transfer the 3 main affixes into cras or klauz. To transfer it, you need at least 100 ability transfer passes.
Click the Image to Enlarge
Maybe only this explanation, because it's affix advanced then I won't explain in detail about the others.If you want to see the Affixing Video Progress :
Hello~ I noticed that the X, Y, Z coordinates show up on the slider UI you provided, but I can't see them on my end. How do I fix that?
Ah, no worries! Just head over to the Salon. Under "Edit Misc", click on "Salon Settings", and make sure to tick the box for "Adjustment Field Values Display". That should do the trick!
I followed all the sliders you gave, but my character still looks totally different from yours. What am I missing?
Hmm, did you also use all the items like accessories, hair, makeup, and other stuff? If you skipped any of those, that could be the reason. You can also check out my full breakdown in the YouTube Video Why Your Slider Isn't Working? YouTube [Click Here]
Oh, I get it now! Thanks!
You're welcome~ Hope that helps! Good luck~
Hi~ Ai here, playing Phantasy Star Online 2, make some random character creation, enjoy and thanks for visiting :)
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